Sunday, April 17, 2011

Everybody goes to US IPO: The cat throws Gummy to sell fixes a price 18,100,000 US dollars

Everybody company to the US Securities trading Committee submission stock offering book, plans in Niu to hand over officially goes on the market, the plan distributes 51,300,000 ADS, the wholesale price sector is 9 US dollars to 11 US dollars (each ADS gathers 3 common shares), most collects 584,000,000 US dollars, the stock code is RENN. Morgan Stanley, the Deutsche Bank, the auspicious letter, Merrill Lynch and so on 7 throw the line to be this everybody net IPO credit corroborative in both urban and rural areas. the stock offering book demonstrated that everybody this IPO going on the market main body is RENREN INC, namely everybody company, not only but everybody net, but also includes everybody company to serve under somebody's banner the group to buy the website glutinous rice net and everybody plays the service. the stock offering book also demonstrated that everybody net serves under somebody's banner the community website cat to throw the net not in the IPO scope. The document demonstrated that everybody serves under somebody's banner the cat to throw the net and public relations game platform Gummy has been sold gives thousand oak holdings in last December, the trading value is 18,100,000 US dollars. Thousand oak holdings before April 14, 2011 paid in full this expense, the cat throws the net in 2004 by thousand oak purchases. the F-1 document demonstrated that will stop the operation cat throwing with Gummy will lose money 800,000 US dollars and 3,500,000 US dollars separately. Suspends shipment the loss to rise from 2009 2,500,000 US dollars to 2010 4,300,000 US dollars.

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